Are there concerns with the supply chain for point-of-care testing reagents and controls in some parts of the world?

In a recent Q&A interview, Clearstate’s global managing director, Ivy Teh, talks about the opportunities and challenges facing point-of-care testing, and some of the concerns around supply chain management.

Question: Are there concerns with the supply chain for point-of-care testing reagents and controls in some parts of the world?

Ivy Teh: Indeed, there are some concerns around it. Having a robust procurement system is essential to successfully implement new point-of-care technologies, especially when reagents and quality control panels have limited shelf lives and frequently require cold chain management.

In addition, an efficient supply chain for point-of-care testing helps ensure timely access to diagnostic tools, reduces delays in patient care, and enhances overall healthcare effectiveness. 

Quick and reliable supply chains help prevent stockouts of essential testing materials, enabling healthcare providers to promptly diagnose and treat patients, especially in critical situations. This efficiency contributes to better healthcare outcomes and improved patient management

Supply chain deficiencies, on the other hand, can lead to suboptimal or poor-quality point-of-care tests, which may discredit POCT. Supply chain concerns usually plague more developing regions, like Africa or Latin America, where bottlenecks also exist in inventory management, inefficient administration procurement processes and lack of expertise and training of healthcare workers to maintain a sustainable supply chain.

Read the full interview ‘point-of-care testing: promises and challenges’. See more insights on point-of-care testing from Clearstate’s POCT hub.